Avon Flash Sale Save On Selected Products

Hello, welcome to my blog Beauty Discounts, Deals And Tips. This is where you'll find information on Avon products you can purchase online through my eStore. I'll be posting sales as well as discounted merchandise, Avon coupon codes and freebies. Also there will be beauty tips on how to apply makeup and updates on skin care related products. 

If there's anything specific you'd like to see covered here, please feel free to contact me by posting your comments or through the form on the right of the page. Please note you'll be added to my Avon Mailing List if you respond by the Contact Form. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time you can click the link at the bottom of the email.

Currently there is a Flash Sale, you'll get 30% off selected products, just follow the link on my Avon eStore to see what's available. Hurry, this promotion is while supplies last. 

Wherever you are in the US you can shop Avon online through my store and you'll get your order delivered direct to your door! Click here to start shopping now.

Thanks for visiting, stop by again soon!

Sondra Carpenter
Avon Independent Sales Representative
